BBA vs BCom: Which is Right for You?

BBA vs BCom: Which is Right for You?

BBA vs BCom: Which is Right for You?

BBA is one of those courses, that has picked up in popularity by far compared to any other course after 12th. But even then it is quite a difficult chose for may students to decide between a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and a Bachelor of Commerce (BCom).

The 2 main reasons for this dilemma is that even though both courses are very popular business degrees, they focus on different areas and prepare students for different career paths. To make it simple for the students to pick a course of their choice, we have listed the key differences between BBA and BCom, to help you decide which one suits you best.

Key Highlights - BBA vs BBA Comparison

Factors Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Commerce Difference
Duration 3-4 years 3-4 years Similar
Focus Business management and administration Business and commerce principles Different
Subjects Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations Accounting, Finance, Economics, Management Different
Skills Developed Managerial, Leadership, Business Strategy Analytical, Financial Literacy, Business Knowledge Different
Career Opportunities Management, Marketing, Business operations Accounting, Finance, Banking Different
PostGraduate Path Leads to an MBA CA, MBA and Others Different

Understanding BBA and BCom

What is a BBA Course?

A degree in Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) focuses on the importance of management and business. It covers topics such as marketing, finance, human resources, and operations management. The BBA program aims to develop the students' managerial skills and leadership abilities, making it ideal for those looking to work in business management and administration.

Key Points:

  • Duration: Typically 3 to 4 years.
  • Focus: Business management and administration.
  • Subjects: Marketing, finance, human resources, operations management.
  • Skills Developed: Managerial abilities, leadership skills, business strategy.
  • Career Opportunities: Management positions, business operations, marketing roles.
  • Postgraduate Path: Often leads to an MBA.

What is a BCom Course?

A Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) degree provides a broad understanding of business and commerce principles. It includes subjects like accounting, finance, economics, and management. The BCom program is designed to build analytical and financial skills, making it suitable for careers in accounting, finance, and other commerce-related fields.

Key Points:

  • Duration: Typically 3 to 4 years.
  • Focus: Business and commerce principles.
  • Subjects: Accounting, finance, economics, management.
  • Skills Developed: Analytical skills, financial literacy, business knowledge.
  • Career Opportunities: Accounting, finance, consulting, investment banking.
  • Postgraduate Path: Can lead to various business-related master’s degrees, including MBA.

Benefits of BBA and BCom

Benefits of BBA:

  • Focuses on developing managerial and leadership skills.
  • Provides a solid foundation for pursuing an MBA.
  • Offers diverse career opportunities in business management.

Benefits of BCom:

  • Builds strong analytical and financial skills.
  • Prepares students for various roles in finance, accounting, and commerce.
  • Offers flexibility in career choices, including entrepreneurship.


BBA Specializations:

  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Operations

BCom Specializations:

  • Accounting
  • Finance
  • Economics
  • Management

Salary Prospects

Salary after BBA:

  • Entry-Level Salary: INR 3-5 lakhs per annum.
  • Mid-Level Salary: INR 6-10 lakhs per annum.
  • Senior-Level Salary: INR 10-20 lakhs per annum.
  • Top Job Roles: Business Development Manager, Marketing Manager, HR Manager, Operations Manager.

Salary after BCom:

  • Entry-Level Salary: INR 2-4 lakhs per annum.
  • Mid-Level Salary: INR 5-8 lakhs per annum.
  • Senior-Level Salary: INR 8-15 lakhs per annum.
  • Top Job Roles: Accountant, Financial Analyst, Consultant, Investment Banker.

Please Note: These are approximate salaries, and they depend on many other factors besides your educational qualification. A BCom student who completes a CA may earn a lot more than someone with a BBA degree.

Also, it is important that students do a post graduation degree after completing their graduation, for increasing their chances of higher career growth, more job opportunities and high earning potential.

Which Should You Choose?

Choosing between BBA and BCom depends on your career goals and interests. A BBA might be the right choice for you if you are interested in management and leadership roles. On the other hand, if you are more inclined towards finance, accounting, and analytical roles, a BCom could be a better fit.


Which has more salary, BBA or BCom?

Both BBA and BCom graduates can earn good salaries, but it depends on the industry and the specific job role. Generally, BBA graduates might earn more in managerial roles, while BCom graduates might earn more in finance and accounting.

BBA or BCom - Which is better?

Both the courses are different, BBA focuses on business administration and management, while BCom focuses on commerce principles like accounting, finance, and economics. Depending on an individual choice, one can decide which is better for them.

Which has more job opportunities, BBA or BCom?

Both degrees offer ample career options but in different fields. BBA graduates often find roles in management and administration, while BCom graduates have diverse opportunities in finance, accounting, consulting, and more.


Both BBA and BCom degrees offer valuable skills and knowledge for a successful career in business. Consider your interests, strengths, and career aspirations when making your decision. Whether you choose BBA or BCom, both paths can lead to rewarding opportunities in the business world.

As mentioned earlier, a lot of students are confused about what courses to pick up after completing their 12th. We will be writing a series of articles comparing various courses.

For students who are deciding between technology and management degree, here is our BBA vs BCA articles, that provides complete details on both the courses.